segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010

Haiti and the movie 2012

Today I attended in 2012, but speaking in questions about Haiti, I see the words in the film about being human, means working with each other and that is to be civilized? I remember an event of black consciousness that was the center of Rio de Janeiro in an expensive hotel and I saw something that reflects what has happened in Haiti, the event had more than one hundred people and for lunch or coffee in later I saw something that made me sad, not by the attitude of my brothers could have done as Martin Luther King, but had people from other states who wanted to return to their rooms and other cities that could not miss the ride, and formed a confusion around the table, it was a small table with a few things without a waiter serving a high number of people in the room and saw those who should organize the coffe right for the conference, as they would if the other conference that was not for the black movement and the number of blacks were not so great because the event was paid, were paid for this, seen with a smile, should you spending all kinds of questions that gave the chain on their heads. But there is another that was the distribution of the clothes as soon as there was the problem of flooding in marshland, a small table for a large number of people now see the Haiti that despite what we had and call and end the hotel had to put more tables and the same, were almost as mugs and dirty dishes on the table a long time and the staff of the flood things were better organized, but it is not the same as lack of food and water because they are not removed and taken to places where earthquakes was lower, where are the Chinese and the Japanese, even the Indians could offer better performance on issues like this, because I see is the changing international printed matter that no one is exempt, because we live in a world of woes in the show and not giving option where we help, how to, because I keep talking poultry to keep people with no prospects not send others to determine what needs to be done to see the Iraq and Vietnam, the ideal is that the engineers go, but the people there is which is the short time following in his footsteps, and be a model country with irrigation systems, sewage treatment, recycling, renewable energy technologies is very possible, as the houses on the floor what's mine is yours, we can build all listing from new and have again the old is impossible for the world and for them. The moment we stop fighting each other we stop being human and save mankind making our future acts of cruelty just have fun and say that we have other opportunities to help on behalf of airports and roads destroyed without the possibility to traffic or even what reason people are not taken to a safe place, leaving them to walk at random? That wait time to receive food and water without asking how long it does not eat or drink water causes the false kindness becomes a knife that can hurt us over time. I was more stunned to learn that the missions were to train capoeira and give bag of food, did not form doctors, engineers and now tend to classify people as troublemakers, why not talk about the disorders and break, breaks around the world occur whenever there is any dissatisfaction and we know that there is interest in improving, but to subjugate and let him keep well, even against the taste of the population. Almost Gods who passed the SBT, Cine Fine Arts 16/01/2010 days reflects what is not willing to change, fortunately the people was to fight and there, unlike how many other countries, the headquarters of which are dictating the rules is in many places far away and not know who wins and eat these monies, commanding. The people left to fight for survival among his peers for a piece of bread and water being paid, but not for them, as shown in many matters of desperation for food and water. It's inhumane what they are doing, hungry and receiving gifts and money, people die and fight not to die of hunger and thirst. Congratulations to the guards who receive wages and offer their colleagues who need to work scenes like this.

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