sábado, 15 de novembro de 2008

When we think of children out of school or think this is the fault of parents

When we think of children out of school or think this is the fault of parents, with their terms raised by specialists, analysts, researchers, consultants and protectors of human rights or the government that offers no vacancies, in theory we assess a situation in particular.
N 14, C 16 years, 17 years sister of T T 15 years, and the brothers of 13 and 11 years (due to the lack of crossing card) C 16 years due to exchange residence in the middle of the year, the who has children and does not have to leave with their children, N 16 years, P age 16, J 17 years: pregnant women who have any fact which prevent them from going to school, N 14, G 17 years; those who do not want or may not due to any fact, J 17 years (1 / F), S (1 / F), C 15, D 14 years (not can read), S 15, V 17, T 15 years, if we all put a huge list, all with a common fact in not studying, but I will not enter the problem to be violating their rights or have the same violated. All belong to one community only, Vila Ipiranga, and a city that boasts of having received an award for the eradication of illiteracy (???) Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, which has several institutions of higher education, which has a great collection If it is noticed, teenagers are girls in age to fulfill the Contract of Work Special Art CLT 402 to 441, may not work as a housemaid if denounce their legal responsibility for the force to make some kind of domestic work they are at risk ( depending on the vision of who gets the case) to be prosecuted for child labor, is an age in which sexuality is active in the sexual act under the Civil Code if no consent is considered rape, are victims of child prostitution consented or not ( Of research on the subject are not removed separately, children 0 to 13 years and 14 years to 17 years which would give a right to adolescents homage rights that has been retained by intellectuals mechanism (They, intellectuals, who make the laws) because if have low education, which exclude the participation of the Children Apprentice, have embarrassed to work on the streets as walking, makes a good appearance in port bad as the single, ECA 98 Art III).
We have the worst system to include labor in the world, despite the participation of the ILO, conventions signed see 111 of the ILO, (the same body part along with the System S of Manufacture of CBO, Brazilian Classification of Occupation) put through its security mechanism, increasing the demand for education and training and qualification for the professionals today called specialists are to sign papers, is forgetting the Art XXVII 7, XXXII (MTE the recently published tourist guide who must have education or technical education medium, a profession that was much exercised by the example of adolescent and young next needy areas without this requirement and did a very good job) and in contrast to the worst education classes considered of little value, blacks, Indians and mestizos, that are the favelas, or slums the margins of society, these girls are only four whites and three blacks and fathers with Mestizo, see indexes of performances in schools that meet this profile. If it finds there was an increase in the gap between blacks and whites in access to higher education, and we know that education will hand the improvement in walking distance because the need for public policies in his capacity as early, offering the conception that there are two oxen pulling a plow and a stronger front and the other is the accompanying crush not, in fact there is a problem that has been resolved with the migration of professional expertise from other countries that Africa is not what seems a policy of exclusion along with improvement race, reinforcing what the saying goes, loves a foreign scaup.
Accepted not be asked in what I am doing to improve what is happening in my community of experts, consultants, analysts, researchers and protectors of rights who love a platform or see their picture in the media, because I have a case before the MPT 1 Region 1830/2008 with regard to this issue, access by minors apprentice contract with low education and other topics concerning, I have to go through them without warning them of interest to you that they continue in this situation, it is better to lose money, and that they must seek an alternative (hard to see without a look with more affection the issue closely, because they ask the same thing. I want to work Edna.) because they live on site and as a fight to win the misery like many others I am leaving to believe that these mechanisms be saying: intelligent, according to educators with the ability to convert abstract phenomena in concrete things, psychologists capacity of perception, understanding, learning and adaptation or live with harmoniously with the environment that is inserted and modify it for the better; Of the directors ability to use their mental abilities in your benefit to those who believe that truth is to use that quality to benefit themselves or the people around; of encyclopedias and poets in question mental dexterity, wit, acumen which leads to be happy and that within my concept of no interest to many that I think disqualified for lack of qualification, but sees some kind of leadership that put concepts depressing my person and that in fact able to meet inside my intention to help my conditions and the minimum, because not get anything (negative believe that the account is a long time, it is also a way to make if I were friend or even hostage to the social realities of someone not known to be well, but is more a proof of the fact I do something in Brazil) and can do a little, I know that is clean ice, but I do.
Reference to read:
You S / A December 2007 Pg Articles 142, 144, 145 and 146.

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