quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2008

The Brazilian culture associated

The Brazilian culture associated the word black person to the lowest level of society, who are drunk, illiterate, thief, drug dealer, in training police, users are white and black drug dealer or the question of welfarism all propaganda that has a stamp of supporting black appears as a dependent. The Brazilian company anonymously, without the fame used to not be treated well in the first world countries, especially if you seek employment, receiving treatment for people in third world and plays mainly in Brazil when it ascends positions of command and hierarchical.
Philosophy, the word stupid, stupid not to be confused with lack of information, any person who is more humble in general without access to information and taxed as a donkey, and everyone has a lack of information. But the ignorant is that it ignores the fact that the donkey is yes because you know and does not accept or admit.
When a black amounts in Brazilian society it is called dark, following the example of Bionce, which is in the Brazilian media called the brunette in her black foreign media. The Brazilian media does not have the habit of putting blacks in the media in the good situation that would change the vision of black people as a person, as the black middle class, or the black in politics .. In American movies the blacks assume positions of command high as normal people, like white Japanese.
When you combine the black heroes as Zombie and not as it was Marcolino admiral and made the revolt of the whip, who was a Zombie Hero slave Marcolino what was not, the tunnel Rebouças in Rio de Janeiro that was named for a black.
For the Society and african you if you are descending purely black, provided a moment to highlight what they do for you is not associated with black, as Machado de Assis and Aleijadinho, who created Brazilian Academy of Letters in Brazil was a black or mestizo , Machado de Assis. A curiosity of the few black children are encouraged to worship and police wish to be more of them also have the awareness that the corporation could not enter because of community living in high-risk or even considered slum.
Ritle tried to end the history of the Jews the same thing happens in Brazil, with the blacks in which black heroes are not in the books of history, so they think that the history of blacks is just that of slaves, hence the saying the care gold that the law was written with pencil.
Brazil is a country that can get everybody as a Brazilian does not have a specific breed, if a Chinese is for other parents and say that Brazil is the world accepts the same happens to a Japanese, black, or Arabic, the difficult stop the very Brazilian society is treating the person as a person, knowledge of blacks and poor is only valuable when there are personal interests, example the issue of biopiracy an internal issue of racism.
Racist goes to church, where God does not pose separation, listening to jazz, blues, pagoda, rock, which Rhythms poultry or culture created by blacks.
On the issue of education are students and there are projects of bandits (are not bandits without more control and discipline and learn whether professional in illegal activities), is not hierarchical factor in school or the school has no power to control who does not want anything with the and future protection laws exist only to those who do not want anything to the future that will bring together those who had a promising future ahead of us, this is a model school in suburbs, where the majority of blacks live, where teachers or are missing refuse to give lessons or go live, much due to lack of discipline of students who only respond to the stimulus given by the company; rights without correction or rules for good living. There is that children must have rules of society, boundaries, one of the methods is to withdraw the authority responsible for these children of neighborhoods, control, the fact that putting the blame on parents only and are forgetting that middle class, the high Children in general do not have a good living with their parents, but has the money that supports, travel, residence or other pay to get familiar with this child because it becomes interesting monetarily, and these children are unlikely to the streets, the fate of which is generally when poor, the slum that is considered the minimum requirements, the opposite of living in slums, the streets are very minimal. The shelter that formerly were the children who did not want or wanted to stay with their parents, there are many blacks today, such as pilot, who came from there.
In the Brazilian Congress had a history of a Brazilian congressman who praised other, black, who married a southern white, and placed that it will improve the race, as the saying goes black soul of white or black white. And the blacks of Brazilians who say there fighting for the black issue stifle the case.
-It was not racism.
In Brazil the issue of legislative blame the Brazilians who vote wrong, but do not put the lives of those who publishes postulate the wave and make laws to protect itself.
Favela is a refuge from all the bad in society, as the south side does not want dealer selling in your door and who is poor and no money goes to the slum, the favela is a satellite city of asphalt, and everything bad that society and associates pushed or delegate blame the slum. The rich do not want a poor on your doorstep.
References to film.

Gangster with Denzel Washington

For Hercules Constantine da Conceicao, Neves, Sao Goncalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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