quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008

Notice on the bank account

Notice on the bank account
I, Edna Lucia do not have wealth, inheritance or legacy, my home and personal use within a poor community and Favela hill, the account bank offered on the blog, questionadora.blogspot.com and an account with debts and if the interest is using it for other purposes than that which serves to offer me resources so you can work with more freedom, because in Brazil if you want to make a work of social integration of adolescents (President Luiz Inácio da Silva, Brazilian stated that mechanism to ascend to the post of metarlugico teenager when, unfortunately in his government observed that the our adolescents with low education are offering only day of play, sports and activities such as free as culture and if some manage to win something is a victory because the majority is the tightrope and parents incompetent according to some experts, and that has to handle and make money, 15 years, with a son in her arms) and young people at social risk in the labor market, which have to do that by participating in local be they of discussion or even informing the new mechanism of exclusion provided to Brazilian society, because it takes a door and no other offers or the famous finjo that I work and you pretend to believe those who love an argument.
To do so that the account will not be used for unlawful purposes and every resource that will be used in the best way and that as a public servant I am not, mom or dad's little daughter (who donated the funds) grew up and add the best values of the slum man only has value of its name and that is not negotiable and if they want to help me in another way in Brazil has beautiful people that make work and to report that not to happen what happened in the financial area of the world suggest hiring a friend in Brazil that can go to the site as a volunteer doing a check and report what you see, therefore, give money and not provide opportunities for all, but those who have resources have themes or following meritocratic is easy.
Donations of materials is valid, the place to send you on the blog.

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