My questions related to access to the Special Working Contract
My questions relating to access to the Contract of Work Special CLT Art 402 to 441, Portaria 615/616/618 2007 published by MTE and Decree Law 5598/2005 are:
If the chapter is dealing with matters concerning the protection of the minor work of art and 403 of the CLT term will lower the 14 to 18 years of the same text in art 7 XXXIIIrd Federal Constitution, or the ECA and the ERA President Luiz Inácio da Silva in its continuing need for decrees and to facilitate their work without evaluating the cost benefit issue in the future cause that affects the lives of many teenagers who depend on an education that is only directed to the quality education of those who have merit (merit, family that has resources that camuflem imperfections, which pay for benefits, which has authority over the children, the child is naturally calm and focused in the future despite the family conflicts and influences of the environment) or can afford.
When questioned if the current conditions of access to the contract and the bureaucracies created in the current government, the mother of the president could ask wave of learning for the child, the Senai, which would be a president who was mechanical turner portray the fact that those who are in positions of command or the CEOs of public administration that even with a history of poverty to get to that today occupy positions had to live within a reality that seems to make them even to agree that in our social class no crops (taking the fact that many projects had left the stolen base of knowledge, the songs on the wheels of this taleteller elitizados and biopiracy in our forests), and the fact that they where his friends died and they had the good fortune to seek a future swapping fun by the study, which had in terms of offering access benefits, and who because of Ordinance 615 of December 2007 is not possible if it is taken into account the need to comply with rules such as offering the course logical mathematical, technical and technological Scientific and others that makes the application of Art 427 single paragraph or the insertion of illiterate, if taken into account that the teenagers who are in poor school, or out of high school are not few, and there are collections of official government data which show that most Brazilians do not have the understanding and interpretation of text and taking into account that in general the private courses have a tendency to follow a line almost equal and that adolescents who make annually is unable to access this type of evidence and never will be able to face the bureaucracy that can create new companies and CEOs that were previously created on the base came from or conflicting situations, while the references that today is being exchanged by the academic education or not there is a socialization of fact. If you mention the fact that the annex be directed to young people over 18 that restricts access.
If talk of Ordinance 616 and 618 is like talking about the relief offered by the government in its (Cesgranrio, Prominp) tender, just imagine that it has access to the benefits of the government through the NIS, which are poor and are experiencing by necessity, will be that this government responds to all the needy as they say? How is this selection? Draw?
On the question of acceleration in the Pro-Youth as a teenager and that the National Council of Education was put in the defense to withdraw from fifteen to seventeen adolescents to participate in the examination of substitution of basic education, if taken into account that each year thousands of teenagers from dumped 14 years with 5 or 6 round series, this without some luck, and are counted among the others and that in any way offer no danger in the competition for places to children of the elite who are among the lucky children who decide these, But we have to evaluate that question, future damage to his own pocket, because if there is only one door for access to a restaurant and this is the only place to go for food and the access mechanism is created in which only has access to credit, todos acham que temas bonitinhos como nos importamos com vocês, brincadeiras para passar o tempo irá fazer com que os que não tem acesso não busquem pelo que querem, são Brasileiro e não desistem nunca, lamento é ver pessoas com poder e muitos recursos, viverem como a person who goes dirty by the fact that they were without resources, and when they are stolen, kidnapped, killed and families who only blame themselves produced, only interfere when there is the participation of the media.
When adolescents in order illegal activities, the cost is greater and the need for skilled professionals with higher costs and reduced working hours is required, which I understand to be more attractive than allow access to all special contract.
The guardians of rights and its cancellation in daily practice, which makes people overcome challenges heroes, and those staying behind, broken or poor.
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