quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2008

I look for professional for work volunteer ENDOMARKETING

I look for professional for work volunteer ENDOMARKETING
I look for professional for work volunteer what;

(it does not the question be wave, more than a professional that it acts with projects of social insertion, it has to offer in the clear form and with which finality)

- it disposes of knowledge, solid formation with quality, basically overcoming of obstacles proves.
- for activity of ENDOMARKETING near enterprise of great and middle transport which concept social responsibility and sustentabilidade influence decisively on title of compensation partner, economical and professional what has since finality reduces social impact in the capacity of life produced by activity that for nature and complexity they cause I harm the population to his tip over what has situation of social vulnerability, ONGs, institute or foundations and OSCIPs in activities of protection and qualification and capacitação professional of local labour with operational and theoretical quality what they turn in quality improvement of real life reaching it more 80 % of leftover population of the region reached by the installation of the enterprise, work that aims at development with increase in value of the person, mobility partner, economical and professional principally of the population which activity suffers partial or total impediment due to installation of enterprise in the region obstructing to formation of aparthaid socially, economically and professionally.
- requisites; Have Knowledges in activities prepared by way of compensation with technical support and financier direcionada the capacitação, qualification of labour of leftover population in vulnerability social and economical, with education, economical impossibility of access the wave, social mobility due to situation, illiterate, functional illiterate or school discrepancy of adults, young persons and adolescents (14 to 17 and 11 months, CLT Art 402 to 441) what are in situation of aparthaid socially, economically and professionally. In having, egalitarian access to waves, acceleration, promotion and opportunity. Easiness in developing cognitive skills in situations and averse regions or what the professional practice if of for skills basicas or to form professional able to deal with technology and to solve problems of rise complexity, viaveis the enterprises of the region be in the line of simple production or to ascend to posts of high level, not basing on criteria meritocratas, demand of experience or expecialização previously. The proved activities can back of a chair in the achismo, more in applicable experiences.
Experience in areas of high complexity in activities which activity they contemplate more than 80 % of the population. Example of areas; MACAE/RIO OF JANUARY leftover Population, SPACE STATION OF ALCANTARA/MARANHÃO leftover Population fugitive Negro slave, FIELDS ELIZEOS AND ADJACENCIA/DUQUE OF OVERDISCIPLINED Rio de Janeiro leftover Population, BLACK RIVER, MADEIRA/AMAZONIA leftover riverside Population reached by the dams, Programs of acceleration PAC that predicts the removal of family of place in risk offering housing benefit. (remembering which families which income reaches, R$ 500.00 more R$80 of bag family, R$580.00 will have difficulty of maintenance of the new housing model being able to favor the mobility of this family and courses of capacitação like mason, housework and you produce, basic computer science due to low schooling and impossibility of access to other forms of profissionalização producing new aparthaid socially). Competence, easiness in the exchange of information between the leftover population and enterprise installed in the region, in the condition of checking, valuing, proposing action that induces the communication between actors, looking align objectives that viabilizem to insertion, inclusion, capacitação and professional qualification of the renascent labour the operational necessities of the enterprise reducing the social aparthaid.
Not and necessary academic formation, essential experience practices like the form of proving experience.

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