quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Please pass on, the region of Gold Farmers are listing to exterminate indigenousGuarani Kaiowá

  And promise to kill today!

"Car @ s, I am one of the worst moments of my life, I'm watching the genocide of theGuarani Kaiowá people, the situation worsens every minute and the feeling of helplessness and indifference of the left, that says something revolutionary isimpressive.

The private security company ... Sepriva, who was hired by farmers to the region ofGolden exeterminar the Guarani Kaiowá, has a list of leaders Guarani Kaiowá to killimmediately and they are: Chief Ladi, Deputy Mayor Othniel, Chief Ambrose, ChiefCarlitos , and the worse is the Chief Ladies, you are right now being hunted by farmer Jacinto Honorio Silva, who killed the Chief Marcos Veron, is with the gunmenin front of the village SEPRIVA Taquara saying it will kill the Chief Ladie Veron, even today.

The federal police, sent three officers to meet the 50 gunmen Sepriva and running back.

I hope compañer @ s to position themselves in some way, because I do not knowwhat to do, now I only have impotence! "
by: Draruk Otxakaiana

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