I question the Brazilian government programs
How to explain what I have placed the issue of specialists, analysts, consultants and researchers: going back in time noting the many initiatives of the government on the issue of literacy, we see programs that are not going forward, formerly had a bias, now many, many sending and nobody understood and only teachers who are inside the classrooms, without support, using their salaries to these views that receive much more and do not have the same costs, which is used for your benefit to their advantage, to qualify ( and takes time, does it stay in the classroom and are paid to be in events) and not having to buy materials for activities in the classroom.
We starting with the 1947 National Literacy Campaign, which included the Central People, the government, the book of literacy (recently a lady who is literate I asked a) and the method of Educator Paulo Freire, the Surge MOBRAL, Brazilian Movement of Literacy with the military in 1985 in the New Republic Foundation Educating only advice to the municipalities. We can say that from the middle of the 80s began to emerge and many independent movements that aim to offer advice, discussions, qualification when it comes to the government and popular movements that most stood out in practical activities, real, in Sao Paulo , was created the MOVA that aims to qualify the literate and promote discussion, the Brizolões, school bag, PETI, the PAS integration with university and city, among other is extinguished and there is the PNAD to extinguish the Education Foundation in 1990, it was not implemented; FUNDEB, EJA, INAF, LDB (Laws and Guidelines for Basic Education) evidence of evaluation of the federal government (as in elementary school is usually applied by the teacher), the educational system of the Union, events that are Obligatory created to be included in the school calendar (and who often appear on the evidence of selections and evaluations without, however have come at the hands of the teacher or even having to opt for another field or by failure to include in grade school), the insecurities caused by legal terms used in laws to normalize the activities in the area of education using the example of the professional education that is published in the LDB Law 9.394/96 Art 39, Decree Law that is 2.208/1997 CLT Art 402 to 441 and ACE (Staff of Child and Adolescent) Professionalization of the adolescent, that does not suggest discrimination and exclusion by level of education we have in place the most Ordinance 615/2007 as Art III-4 content of training and human Scientific properly contextualized: a) oral communication and reading and writing understanding of text and digital inclusion (If you believe data from the IBGE himself or the Ministry of Education on the issue of the number of adolescents who are not highlighted in other evidence Brazil or even the evaluation ...) b) logical / mathematical reasoning, interpretation and analysis Statistical data (Art 427 ... not a valid ..), g) Education Tax ... .
§ 1 The dimensions of the theoretical and practical training of apprentice should be pedagogically articulated among themselves, in the form of training routes enabling the apprentice to the development ... of the reasons technical and scientific and technical activities of the occupation-specific technology, and related terms such as technical courses, we can put it is an activity of vocational education with many sending and few in the alleys of the slums or even on the streets offering alternatives to a significant percentage of people who today demand in illegal activities and causing damage to their health and morals which are not in schools and the labor market, we saw the need of those who today live events and debates and conferences and lectures and marches (some researcher could do a survey of how many were made in education, security, human rights and these motivators and movements, how many work in jobs directly with the real issues raised did not speak to gather more data to go to camp, the streets). If you remember the Art 7 XXVII, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII and XXXIV of the Federal Constitution and that is not yet offered an education in Brazil as the government fold over 4 points, (does not take into account the Federal Schools, Technology Centers far peripheries of the points with just under 2), and that a blackout professional, and that the gap between blacks and whites who enter the higher education grew, and the death of black teenagers increased in comparison with the crime and involvement of adolescents.
And back to the theme Encceja that is not giving opportunity to those who need, the Brazilian government that nice pint of committing exclusion.
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