quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

I question the segregation and racism veiled

I question the segregation and racism veiled
Automatic approval is barbaric, says Lula
Author (s): Soraya Aggege
The Globe - 22/10/2008

President says it inherited problems in education and criticism of teachers strike

The President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva called yesterday barbarity of the system of automatic approval, for which students are not repeat the year and are held only at the end of the school cycles.
Alexandre Alves
Research shows the UFRJ desníveisEntretanto, it emerges that the polls that indicate that blacks and whites have nearly equal rates of enrollment (the difference is 1.1%) did not mention rate of repetition and the resulting distortion-old series - which is higher among the blacks, showing that this group has left the school more than whites, marking a problem of quality education system in Brazil. The adequacy of black children by the education system falls to 52% at the beginning of elementary school (which is a bad index) to 19.3% in high school, compared with 37.4% of whites. In other words, eight out of ten teenagers aged 15 to 17 anos are out of school or enrolled in the wrong number, by the parameters set by the MEC to attend the Basic Education. In the case of Higher Education, the gross rate quadrupled among blacks, but is still less than half of whites (12.1% versus 30.7%).

The output to reduce this inequality is the public school improve its quality - to Passion, this problem is not only in pre-school, discussed the contents must be submitted in the classroom, each school should have a good library, computers. But more important than that is the position that the school system should take,
to be "more receptive to the creation of an environment conducive to diversity, of multiculturalism", reducing the elements of prejudice and discrimination. It is necessary that the school is the area of "equality between different," is that difference is: the vision of locomotion, color and culture. Secondly Passion, "if a person has economic difficulties to continue their studies and still faces discrimination by prejudice, will have more opportunities to harm your learning."
- When this country has decided to universalize primary school without taking into account the quality we have taken a step forward and two backward. When it was decided that a child at school do not need proof, it would be approved, study or not, commit the second barbarity, with the student and the professor - said Lula, alleging that inherited serious problems in education. The president spoke during a ceremony to commemorate the 60 years of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and in response to criticism from scientists about the educational system. The physical Luiz Davidovich told the president that the country is living a process of social segregation by education, because of the difference in quality between public and private networks in education.
Projects still in progress now seems that already exists.

DATE: 06 May 2008

Racial Quotas in Higher Education Procedure, even in this house, on the theme of educational quotas, the following propositions:

oo Draft Law No. 1736, 2007, by Mr Neucimar Fraga, which provides on the reservation of vacancies in federal public institutions of technical education, Agrotécnica, technological and scientific developments, mid-level and above, for students, black and brown from indigenous of public schools;

oo Draft Law No. 3627, 2004, the Executive Power, that "establishes Special Reserve System for Vacant student graduates from public schools, particularly blacks and Indians, the federal public institutions of higher learning and takes other measures";
oo Draft Law No. 1866, 1999, of Mr Luiz Solomon, which "provides for compensatory measures of action to implement the principle of social equality of black people".)

President Lula also advocated the qualification of teachers:

- If the teacher gives a lesson and the student does not understand, the student needs more study. If you give two, and the student does not understand ... In the third, he has to go back to school.

(Secretary of Education of Americana. Av St. Jerome, 146 - 13471-200 - Bela Vista - Americana - SP - (19) 3461.6287 - seduc@americana.sp.gov.br


When we increased concepts and move on the pedagogical action, understanding and look at the evaluation also become.

The evaluation process is a continuous and systematic presence in all aspects of school life, therefore, can not be sporadic and improvised, but constant and planned. It aims to overcome the act of measuring results to be part of the process of formation of educating.

Evaluated to identify, diagnose and resize the educational activity, the social and cultural function of the school, the school / community, the organization of work teaching, the practice of teacher education and development of the overall student.
In this sense, use as many forms of assessment tools for collections of information such as daily observations of the classroom, writing activities, participation and performance of students in discussions and work on individual and groups, according to the characteristics of the plan education and depending on the objectives to be achieved.

From the 2nd cycle at the end of each term, these comments will be summarized in reports and expressed in concepts, represented by the terms Excellent (E), Good (B), Sufficient (S) and Low (I), and recorded in FAIRY - File Monitoring of Student Performance. The 1st cycle becomes not present the concepts, and the assessment through daily observations and records on individual reports.

The summaries are supposed to learning the essential and possible for most students to learn to conditions submitted proposals.

It is important to emphasize that the student with special needs, which represents learning difficulties, will be assessed in different ways, considering its limitations individuals. The assessment will be given during the teaching learning process, (not only by results at the end of a specified period), considering the whole situation of education to be held in the school and overall development of students.

The promotion happen and continue over the cycles.

At the end of each course the student may be promoted or reclassified by results recorded during the same, analyzed collectively by the Class, Director and educators, and the determination of attendance (minimum rate of 75%, as the Rules School).
The recovery process is an integral part of teaching, learning, being held during the regular school. Will be submitted to study the recovery process parallel to the students to use insufficient and / or frequency of less than 75%, computing, for both, the activities of compensation where appropriate, as school record.

In addition to recovery, the student with a learning difficulty states, participates in school-building in a working individual, with new methodologies able to prioritize the construction and proof of hypotheses, but thus greater motivation and interest for the construction of knowledge.


The assessment of school learning has been the object of constant research and studies. The process of construction and reconstruction of a new way to evaluate public schools in the city of Americana, has provoked a collective effort in the education professionals, who are conducting studies and discussions towards a gradual awareness of and collective, the level of school in such a manner that goes beyond their walls and be a force to influence the review of social and political significance of the bureaucratic demands of the assessment.

The Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDBEN), adopted in 1996 stipulates that: "verifying the school observe the following criteria:
a) continuous assessment and the cumulative performance of the student, with a prevalence of the aspects of the quantitative and qualitative results over the period on the end of any evidence. "

(Item V of Article 24, Section I of the General Provisions of Chapter II of the Basic Education).

That is, the education assessment makes sense and is fully justified when the service who learns and always ensure in all cases, the correct learning through the appropriate corrections and the signs permanent.

The assessment is the window in which they exhibit many of the contradictions in education. It reveals the paradoxes between the plan's formulation and implementation of the of the big announcements about the goals of education and the pragmatic requirements of confusing returns that follow other interests. They are practical dilemmas ahead of what the educators have to take a position as the only guarantee of an act committed knowingly and leading the search for answers.

"The dichotomy education and evaluation is a big fallacy" (Hoffmann, 2001). We need the awareness of and reflection on this mistaken understanding of trial and evaluation of results, because it was becoming a dangerous educational practice.

Thus, we are aware that, until recently, in our Municipal Education Network, was still very rooted vision of the assessment activity as merely quantitative and even as an instrument for maintaining the authority.

Currently, our understanding about the processes of learning and cognition has changed. We know there are new ways of learning and interpret the role the student plays and that the evaluation process is of inquiry and reflection and starting point for action. Action which drives us to new ideas - "... discussion of educator about your reality and follow-up, step by step, the learner in its path of knowledge" (Hoffmann, 1991), no end point to evidence on historical figures .
Accordingly, we believe it is not only to evaluate evidence. The proof may even be part of the process, but what is at stake is an entire process that deserves global attention. The tests, (objective evidence) perform precise, based on a static concept of knowledge. However, reduced cognitive processes are the only techniques of control with which one can measure this or that result. Get out, too, aspects: emotional, personal and social learning.

It is urgent to rescue concern for a fair valuation and essentially educational, guided by ethical principles aimed at the education of subjects they learn.

It is important to identify the service you and who is the effort of those who teach and learn. This will require that teachers place in front of knowledge and before their own professional liability. This is the basis of commitment to action.)

And still want adolescents from 14 to 17 years and 11 months to 7 / 8 series at least to sign the contract young apprentice, no one talks about increasing the involvement of adolescents with illegal activities, that the decrease of labor and child prostitution is on Stage 7 to 13 years and that between 14 to 17 years and 11 months increased the involvement, and the fact that most reports is not because society is outraged, but because these teenagers who want only money can thus, if not for they have low education should not be for anyone, especially those well placed in the school and influential family.

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