terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

fallacy of the Brazilian

When I look at the fallacy of the Brazilian as he says journalist and host of the talks downloaded 9am CNT, which shows how our parents scold like that boss who pays taxes and then want as our governor of Rio de Janeiro and the UN-Habitat to receiving the infrastructure that the constitution says is a right as basic sanitation, to see the quality of education that is offered where the highest concentration of blacks. I recently heard a businessman say that there is no racism in Brazil. the question, how many of the executive part of its workers are black and how the ground? In their advertisements for service delivery has the image of blacks when they do not show social area, or they need help or my working floor is good? When we talk about infrastructure we must remember that recently the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro ordered the withdrawal of community street sweepers who clean the slums, in Brasilia that the planned city can see that planning only for the elite and the periphery is not enough and they not have the rights of those who say a Brazil of all. Welcome to A Brazil that the builders of BI 48 and does not provide an education competitive egalitarian realize that the place is very dark and questions the constitution when it benefits blacks and Indians, as the philosopher Denis Larrea University of Rio Grande do Sul, O GLOBO 10/05/2010, so we understand why they say in the south must not blacks and Indians to our biased media, and that a country like Haiti that is not in the desert does not produce its food and that in Bogotá that Onu -habitat has been hiding the slums surrounding the sieve is one who can be accepted in this city example.

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